Tony Ham ui
Tony Hamoui is a professional music producer and educator based out of the Greater Boston area. With the goal of positively shaping culture, Tony is driven to study, teach, and experiment with the art and science of sound, one track at a time.
Read about my musically-driven journey through Europe!

Experience recording and mixing anything from solo acoustic performers to 10 piece funk bands
Has worked with countless studios, including:
Stank Factory Recordings
New Alliance Audio
Pink Noise Studios
HipStory Studios
Herd Studios
The SoundLab
Active member of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), specifically the Boston branch

Highly proficient in:
Avid Pro Tools
Logic Pro X
Ableton Live 10
PreSonus Studio One
Native Instruments

Original, customized curriculums and workshops covering:
Sound Mixing/Recording
Music Production
Audio Engineering
Clients include:
The Institute of Contemporary Art
Boston Public Library
The SoundLab
Fully equipped with appropriate technology, no additional hardware required

Bachelor's Degree from the University of New Hampshire, majoring in:
International Affairs
Middle East Studies
Avid Pro Tools User certified
Self-directed courses include:
Mixing and Mastering in Pro Tools (Berklee)
Vocal Recording Technology (Berklee/edX)
Introduction to the Music Business (Berklee/edX)
Creativity and Entrepreneurship (Berklee/edX)
Vocal Recording Technology (Berklee/edX)
Workshop Testimonials (actual quotes):
"He's p stanky, p cool."
"The workshop definitely met my expectations. I would say that it exceeded them as well. The instructions we were given on how to compose songs were extremely comprehensive and definitely gave me a better understanding of songwriting"
"He was very helpful and helped everyone understand 'how' to use the tools given and make amazing songs."
"I felt that our instructor was fantastic! He gave us a great basis to make songs, but was also very encouraging for us to do what we want"
"He's like the type of person you can talk to easily. He was encouraging when someone feels self-conscious. I learned a lot from this and it was really easy to understand. I also really like the snacks too."
"This was actually the perfect experience for me. He's really easy to connect with which makes being in this workshop fun. I enjoy the way he teaches and encouraging us.
"I didn't expect someone so chill or easygoing or friendly and this was the best week of my life."


One half of Tony Hamstank
Assistant to Hamstank
Multi-instrumentalist, understanding in: